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Kamis, Februari 26, 2009

Hacker != Cracker

Hacker tidak rela disamakan dengan Cracker

  • Hacker tidak merusak sistem, mereka mempelajari sistem, menjebolnya tetapi (MEMPERBAIKINYA LAGI) dan memberikan saran untuk improvisasi sistem.
(eng: Hacker not crack the system, they learn the system, try to make an hole, but repair it again, and also make some advice for system developer to improve their system.)

  • Hacker bukan orang yang hanya bisa menggunakan tools, hacker adalah pembuat tools. Bahkan Linux Trovals, bapak OpenSource Operating System saja adalah Hacker.
(eng: Hacker not a people whom only master in using tools, hacker is a person which can make own tools. Like Linux Trovalds, Open Source Operating System Father).

  • Hacker menemukan, meresearch dan menganalisa teknik merusak dan MENGAMANKANya.
(eng: Hacker find, research and analyze cracking style and secure it,( well sometimes need place to try, isn't it?)
  • Hacker work on team, gentle, NOT RUNNING COZ WE ON THE LEGAL WAY.
(ind: Hacker bekerja dalam team, tidak berlarian karena berada di jalur putih.)
  • Hacker dapat menyalakan komputer tanpa menyentuh tombol power.
(eng: Hacker can turn on computer without pressing power button.)
  • Hacker adalah system analyst terbaik, cracker adalah system analyst yang cukup baik. Maka hacker dapat menjadi cracker, tapi cracker belum tentu bisa menjadi hacker.
(eng: Hacker is the best system analyze, cracker too, soo Hacker can be Cracker but Cracker maybe yes maybe no to be Hacker.)
  • Hacker sejati tidak cinta uang. Hacker sejati tahu cara mendapatkan uang SECARA LEGAL.
(eng: True Hacker not loving money. They know how to get money legally without work hard but work SMART)
  • Hacker yang banyak bicara tidak tahu apa-apa. Hacker yang 'diam' makin ahli. Cracker harus banyak bicara banyak kerja untuk promosi TOOLS Cracknya.
(eng: Hacker whom talk much doesn't know anything. Hacker less talk more expert in. Note: Cracker must speak much to promote their tools and TROJAN*).
  • Hacker sejati tidak menerima TAWARAN UNTUK MENJEBOL BANK, Cracker (non HACKER sejati) bisa saja menerimanya karena mereka menCRACK untuk itu. Sedangkan Hacker Just For Fun (JFF).
(eng: True hacker not receive any BANK ROBBER proposal, Cracker maybe take it (maybe( coz they need money. But Hacker deal the system JUST FOR FUN.)
  • Hacker Association bersatu. Cracker Association tidak bersatu (tapi banyak jumlahnya).
(eng: Hacker in associate. Cracker not in associate, but they have many organization in fact underground-wew..)

shout out to: Ethical hackers, all cracker and hacker... we never fight... We conquere just for FUN, remember.. No victim is better for better life)... Keep improve all hacker and cracker in the world.. Keep the software freedom, but remember the software developer need too.

Keep do the best, but remember the privacy theory.
(eng: hacker never attack hacker, whom do that not TRUE HACKER...)
[Walking stuff, nothing impossible......] D-Base (group SkyLabs-SworDfisH association)

*trojan not virus, trojan just a tools, just a horse...(in fact)
-if somebody find trojan and name it virus, that's a virus name finded inside the code body...

0 c0mm3nts / t35t!m0n13: